For the world to go in the right direction
In order for people in the world to live happily, I want to know the truth of things, know the difference between the world and Japan, and know what the problems are.
The tax reform of 2020 has significantly revised the NISA system, including the extension of the expiration date. The main points of the tax reform are explained below. (1) Policy Objectives and Current Status of NISA First, NISA has two main policy objectives. First, NISA has two main policy objectives: to provide stable asset formation […]
Category:article [2022/09/29 up date]Greenhouse gases, which are the cause of climate change, are emitted in connection with economic activities and daily life. Therefore, this time, I will explain the policy promoted by the government and the tax system revision for the realization of carbon neutrality. 1. background (1) The problem of global warming Greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide, […]
Category:article [2022/09/29 up date]